I have come to the conclusion that I am a BIG "pet-peever".
I reached this conclusion the other night while awaiting some friends for our monthly GNO.
They were late, and I was bored. So I sat down and started a list.
Here's what I came up with, I'm sure there are more.... but here is a start.
- tardiness
- clutter
- chewing loudly at meals.... my kids do this on purpose because they know it bugs me.
- indecisiveness - even in myself
- backward toilet paper. It should always be pulled from the top.
- non-use of the turning lane when there is traffic
- cell phones and driving
- stinky smells
- chairs that are not pushed in after use
- wrinkles in my bedding after it has been made
- throw pillows that are not organized
- when my towels get folded the wrong way
- when my dishwasher gets loaded the wrong way
- downer - type people
- tangled necklaces
- toilet lids up
- un-flushed toilets
- people who don't wash their hands in public restrooms
- little girls (Lilli) who flick their retainers
- finding gum on the floor
That's it for now!
My pet-peeves made me realize why I have a hard time letting people do stuff for me.
If it isn't done my way, it isn't the right way! Sick, right?