Jul 22, 2011

My Forehead stamp

So, a few days ago, I was heading out of the house right at the same time that the mailman was delivering the mail. I had 3 of my kids with me, cause Maggie was at work with Joe. I had the mailman give Lilli the mail because I had my hands full. He teased her about it...making her jump for it. i could tell he must have a kid her age.

A few days past...this time, we were pulling into the drive right as the mailman was delivering the mail. We had the radio pumping, blaring, because Katie was in the back seat screaming, "No one sing!"

We got out of the car laughing, and the mailman stared chatting with me. He was all..."So you have 4 girls? I do too! I understand the whole loud music thing." We giggled, and talked about how Katie was being bossy...he guessed that she was 4, cause his youngest is almost 5.

Then...he started over sharing... this is where the title of the post comes into play. Do I have a stamp on my forehead that states it's ok to over share with me? Because he thought he saw one!

He tells me about how he hasn't seen his daughters since Christmas...I say how sad that is. He says his wife went crazy, and left him...blames it on 2 things...the internet and the fact that they stopped going to church about 6 years ago. He tells me they used to belong to the LDS faith. I tell him I am LDS...and thus the 10 minute conversation about his crappy life becomes a missionary experience!

I wasn't praying for one. I don't go around being a missionary...but the Lord has a hand in all things. I explained to him that the church does provide peace, and strength does happen to families and marriages when we are living the gospel to it's fullest.

He said he has started going back to church, but that his wife, whom he is separated from, and his daughters aren't attending with him. I encouraged him to keep attending and to council with his bishop. More was shared, and I saw and heard myself taking pity for his lot, and encouraging him to press forward, and to keep trying, for his daughters sake if for no other.

I hope what I said touched him, or made him think. I hope he can bring his family back together, and find peace again. Marriage is worth keeping, it's worth fixing...no matter how "far" things have gone.  And, ANY marriage can be saved if both people want it to be. Forgiveness is real! Forgive, always...no matter what!

I am grateful I am living my life, everyday, ready for these "over shares". It strengthened my personal testimony. I know that the Church of Jesus Christ is the only church on the face of this Earth that has the fullness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I know that by living the Gospel to it's fullness lives are healed, made happy... that souls are made strong, and confidant! I know who I am. I know God's plan for me and for my family. I know that without the Gospel I would feel lost, afraid, and alone.

And, btw...the reason why this man left the church, was because of some members of his ward...he was offended. This answer makes me so mad! Please, let us all love ALL people! Offend not one! Not even ONE! It may be the one that leaves the fold.

Jul 9, 2011

Hello,I am an Idiot

Okay, it's been a while. I've been busy making friends and breaking up with friends on Facebook. 
It's been a blast, but it was, once again taking up too much of my time. And, now, 1 day after shutting it down once again, I am missing it's comfortable numbness. Mostly because I am an idiot, and when an idiot posts something idiotic on Facebook, they get laughed at and they get their comments "liked" . they get comments on their idioticness. And, I miss that...especially after tonight. I was a big idiot.
I went to my friend's 30th birthday party. Most of my good friends were there....ok, ALL my good friends were there, but somehow, I felt out of place...as I have been feeling lately. You know that feeling, when you enter into a room and you feel that silence fall apon you like everyone was talking about you in hushed tones? I felt like that. Granted, no silence fell apon me when I entered the party...but I felt like a stranger.
A game of volleyball insued, Joe and I were apposite side, which is ok...but I felt alone and insecure, and apprehensive about the ball coming to me. I don't usually feel this way. I am usually like, "bring it on sucka!" but not this time. I made a fool out of myself time after time, missing the ball, hitting the ball and making it go crazy. I'm sure no one minded...but I hated looking so bad. I guess I am proud, and didn't like looking like I sucked.
Then, when it was time to sing "Happy Birthday" every one was looking around for someone to start the song, and I stared it...yeah....like in the totally wrong key!!! Way too high, and out of everyone's range. I felt like an absolute idiot. I am supposed to know how to sing...why did I mess it up. 
Then lastly, in true idiot form...after a special "movie/slideshow" was done of the birthday girl, I shouted..."Time for CAKE!" I sounded like a pushy jerk. Why must I always act like I am a freakin 10 year old! Why do I feel the need to draw attention to myself? I just want to be loved...not resented. But I feel like, lately, everyone is laughing at me, not with me.
Alas...stupid is as stupid does...again! *sigh*