Nov 23, 2010
Opera Company of Philadelphia "Hallelujah!" Random Act of Culture
because this HOLY song was binging sung in a mall....
That wasn't the reason at all!
The's always about the spirit! I felt the spirit TESTIFY that
Jesus Christ is the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, Wonderful, Counselor,
The Prince of Peace, The Everlasting Father! HALLELUJAH!
I will praise Him for Ever and Ever!!!
I wish I could have been a spectator at this awe inspiring event! I would have
been singing my little heart out! What an awesome "Random Display of Culture"!
Nov 16, 2010
To all mothers...LISTEN UP!
Invisible Mother.....
It all began to make sense, the blank stares, the lack of response, the way one of the kids will walk into the room while I'm on the phone and ask to be taken to the store. Inside I'm thinking, 'Can't you see I'm on the phone?'
Obviously not; no one can see if I'm on the phone, or cooking, or sweeping the floor, or even standing on my head in the corner, because no one can see me at all. I'm invisible. The invisible Mom. Some days I am only a pair of hands, nothing more! Can you fix this? Can you tie this? Can you open this??
Some days I'm not a pair of hands; I'm not even a human being. I'm a clock to ask, 'What time is it?' I'm a satellite guide to answer, 'What number is the Disney Channel?' I'm a car to order, 'Right around 5:30, please.'
I was certain that these were the hands that once held books and the eyes that studied history and the mind that graduated summa cum laude -but now, they had disappeared into the peanut butter, never to be seen again. She's going, she's going, she's gone!?
One night, a group of us were having dinner, celebrating the return of a friend from England . Janice had just gotten back from a fabulous trip, and she was going on and on about the hotel she stayed in. I was sitting there, looking around at the others all put together so well. It was hard not to compare and feel sorry for myself. I was feeling pretty pathetic, when Janice turned to me with a beautifully wrapped package, and said, 'I brought you this.' It was a book on the great cathedrals of Europe . I wasn't exactly sure why she'd given it t o me until I read her inscription: 'To Charlotte , with admiration for the greatness of what you are building when no one sees.'
In the days ahead I would read - no, devour - the book. And I would discover what would become for me, four life-changing truths, after which I could pattern my work: No one can say who built the great cathedrals - we have no record of their names. These builders gave their whole lives for a work they would never see finished. They made great sacrifices and expected no credit. The passion of their building was fueled by their faith that the eyes of God saw everything.
A legendary story in the book told of a rich man who came to visit the cathedral while it was being built, and he saw a workman carving a tiny bird on the inside of a beam. He was puzzled and asked the man, 'Why are you spending so much time carving that bird into a beam that will be covered by the roof, No one will ever see it. And the workman replied, 'Because God sees.'
I closed the book, feeling the missing piece fall into place. It was almost as if I heard God whispering to me, 'I see you, Charlotte. I see the sacrifices you make every day, even when no one around you does.
No act of kindness you've done, no sequin you've sewn on, no cupcake you've baked, is too small for me to notice and smile over. You are building a great cathedral, but you can't see right now what it will become. At times, my invisibility feels like an affliction. But it is not a disease that is erasing my life. It is the cure for the disease of my own self-centeredness. It is the antidote to my strong, stubborn pride.
I keep the right perspective when I see myself as a great builder. As one of the people who show up at a job that they will never see finished, to work on something that their name will never be on. The writer of the book went so far as to say that no cathedrals could ever be built in our lifetime because there are so few people willing to sacrifice to that degree.
When I really think about it, I don't want my daughter to tell the friend she's bringing home from college for Thanksgiving, 'My Mom gets up at 4 in the morning and bakes homemade pies, and then she hand bastes a turkey for 3 hours and presses all the linens for the table.' That would mean I'd built a shrine or a monument to myself. I just want her to want to come home. And then, if there is anything more to say to her friend, to add, 'You're gonna love it there.'
As mothers, we are building great cathedrals. We cannot be seen if we're doing it right. And one day, it is very possible that the world will marvel, not only at what we have built, but at the beauty that has been added to the world by the sacrifices of invisible women.

Great Job, MOM!
Nov 12, 2010
What to post.....

Instead of rambling...Here's what is going on with me right now....
Every Monday morning, Emily has gymnastics at the REC center. SO, I get to exercise...I run.
Every Tuesday morning, Katie has gymnastics....more running for me.
Every Wednesday night Maggie has gymnastics....yep more running.
(Don't worry... Lilli has an activity too, she's just on break from soccer.... she starts again in January with indoor)
I was feeling great, getting strong....and starting to stop dreading the exercise. Then last week.... as I was just about through with my run (about 2.5 miles), my toes on my right foot started going numb. I went the rest of the week with very sore toes.
I thought I would try again on Monday morning, but the last 2 laps of my run, numb toes.
I went to the Chiropractor on Wednesday, he adjusted me, but advised me to take it easy the rest of the week. Which means, I haven't done any exercise this week....I am crabby, lazy, even sick feeling. I have no motivation, and I have eaten really terrible....thanks to the awesome Christmas chocolates that are already covering the grocery store shelves!
I can't win! I hope to do the Elliptical machine next week, so hopefully I will feel better soon.
Sep 14, 2010
Hives, HIVES! Everywhere...
Ok... these pictures don't do it justice... but here ya go!
These were yesterday morning...Monday.
left arm.
Today...Tuesday, WORSE!!!!
(I was wearing a swimming suit...Maggie took the picture)
Sep 1, 2010
Some Fun Conversations from Oregon
Has anyone EVER seen a pink Jeep?
At a McDonald's before the Museum....
Maggie..."Why do they keep saying...'#44, your shower is ready.'?"
Joe... "Because this is a Truck Stop, and the Truckers can take showers here."
Lacey... "Are the showers free?"
Joe..."No, they pay for them."
Lacey..." So do they pay for the length of shower?"
Joe... "No, I think it is just one price, and they take as long as they need."
Lilli... "They will need a really long time to wash a whole truck!"

Jul 23, 2010
House Concert
Best $20 I have spent in a long long time!
Jul 13, 2010
good-bye FaceBook
It is the 1st time however, that I am having serious FB withdrawls!
FB is soooooo addicting! I was on that dang website over 2 hours a day!
That is 14 hours or more a week, waisted!
56 hours a month!!!
I have been partaking of FB since I have waisted 420 precious hours!
I decided I need to clean my house. I need to pay attention to my kids. Take them to the park and the pool while I still can. I need to feed my kids dinner, not last minute fast food.
I need to re-discover my Heavenly Father. My scriptures need to be dusted off and read!
FB was never a friend! It was a love/hate relationship from the beginning! I loved reading about my friends, giving them advice, letting know I was there. Then it turned into, a ME thing...
Look at MY new hair, tell ME what you think of ME! Comment on MY status!
Slowly my depression crept in, I let it! It meant I would play more FB. I didn't want to do anything else!
I will be a happier, healthier ME now that IT is gone! But I am sad right now! I know alot of my FB "Friends" won't even notice that I am gone. I don't expect them to care. FB is a sort of virtual world. You can be friends with anyone, and they care about you as long as you post it on your FB page.
I will miss the midnight IMing with Kim, and the Family Feud game....Kim's fault! I will miss all the Fast Money's won, thanks to Joe and Sarah! I love you! I will miss Terrell Moffett's beautiful landscape portrait updates, and commenting on them! I will miss flirting with my husband for the whole FB world to see. I love telling how much I love him!
I will miss FB! But I won't miss neglecting my children. I won't miss the fights I got into because people can't read sarcasm. I won't miss "friends" flirting with my husband at 2am!
I won't miss the drama! I won't miss, or wish I had waisted my precious time on something so trivial and worldly!
And, as a bonus.... now I will actually post on my journals so to speak! There is a window of opportuntiy here...I will open it!
May 25, 2010
Apr 29, 2010
Oh, Emily... you keep my life exciting!
While we were checking out, Emily was dancing around, being crazy, like is always does.
Well, she tripped on her own two feet, like she always does... and fell into a little display.
She was NOT happy about it. I calming asked her if she was okay, to be polite! I didn't want the clerk to think I was a bad mom, but I knew she was fine, she was playing it up, you know, like Emily does so well!
She replied, very strongly, "NO! I think I BROKE........ my heart!"
Soooo cute, and sweet, and funny!
Then, that very same day, at dinner..... Katie spilled her ICE water!
Emily was right in the path of the splash.
Then she proceeded to run down stairs as fast as she could for clean pants.
This was not a typical Emily answer. We were expecting a fit. So, this made us laugh.
Oh, my little girl is growing up! But, I'm glad we are continuing to have the Emilisms!
Apr 15, 2010
Apr 13, 2010
Yet Another Emily-ism
And it was very yummy zucchini bread, indeed!
I love my little know-it-all! Especially when she doesn't know-it-all!!
Apr 9, 2010
Apr 1, 2010
My View of Twilight
Mar 17, 2010
- tardiness
- clutter
- chewing loudly at meals.... my kids do this on purpose because they know it bugs me.
- indecisiveness - even in myself
- backward toilet paper. It should always be pulled from the top.
- non-use of the turning lane when there is traffic
- cell phones and driving
- stinky smells
- chairs that are not pushed in after use
- wrinkles in my bedding after it has been made
- throw pillows that are not organized
- when my towels get folded the wrong way
- when my dishwasher gets loaded the wrong way
- downer - type people
- tangled necklaces
- toilet lids up
- un-flushed toilets
- people who don't wash their hands in public restrooms
- little girls (Lilli) who flick their retainers
- finding gum on the floor
That's it for now!
My pet-peeves made me realize why I have a hard time letting people do stuff for me.
If it isn't done my way, it isn't the right way! Sick, right?
Mar 15, 2010
Child Quote of the Day
That means that nothing is shrunking!
Thank you Emily for giving us an explanation of your made-up word!
Mar 6, 2010
I usually don't walk the kids to the bus because they have each other. This year, however, Lilli is in choir. I get the opportunity to take her to school early once a week, which means Maggie is forced to walk to the bus alone! Yeah right, I would be worrying for hours if I didn't see her get on the bus. Hence, I was walking Maggie to the bus.....
After I kissed her good-bye, and she got on the bus, I was walking slowly home. ( I should mention the younger two were still at home sleeping)(Also, the bus stops on a main road)
Okay, back to the story.....
As I was walking slowly home, facing traffic, a car came up on me from behind, sort of weirdly. It slowed down as it got closer to me, but it kept going, and the male driver kept looking in his rear view mirror as he passed.
I heard a loud, forcefully yell in my head......RUN!!! NOW!!!
As I started to run, I saw the car turn down the next street, as though it was going to come up my street, to be off the main road and easier to pull right up to me.
I didn't give myself a chance to find out what was really going to be the outcome. I RAN as fast as could, faster than I have in a LONG time....all the way home, into my house, and locked the door behind me.
I went to the living room and fell to my knees.
In tears I thanked the Lord for the Holy Ghost! I am so thankful that I have this wonderful gift!
And I am so Thankful that my daughters will all be blessed with this wonderful gift in this terrible, and only getting worst world!
How blessed are we all that we belong to The Church of Jesus christ of Letter Day Saints!
Feb 12, 2010
Feb 3, 2010
Child Quote of the Day
Katie~Momma, I wanna call someone!
Mom~ Who do you want to call?
Katie~ I call MY Dad.
Mom~Ok, you want to call your dad?
Katie~ NO! I call MY Daddy!
Mom~ Ok, we'll call your Daddy!
Katie~ NO!!! I call MY Daddy, you know, at work!
Mom~ Oh, ok, Kate. You want to call Daddy at work.
Katie~ Yes!!!!!!
Emily's Prayer

"Please bless that the LAST DAY will come."
She had said something similar to this at dinner tonight.
She said...."On the Last Day, we are going to die."
Now, I don't know if she was taught this in church, or something similar to this, and is getting her 4 year old head wrapped around the 2nd coming, but it was very honest, and sincere!
She also told Katie that Jesus was going to come down from Heaven and be with us!
Katie was thrilled at this idea, "My Jesus!!!! He come to MY house?"
Oh, how I love to hear them talk about things close to the spirit.
While at my sisters house last weekend, I saw a saying about Christ that I REALLY liked, but can't remember now..... but it something to the effect of,
Christ is a guest at every meal,
A listener to every conversation!
He is smiling at my children, I know!!!
We need to listen to them, and follow their example.
We should be praying for that LAST DAY!
I am so grateful that I learn sweet lessons from the spirits God has entrusted to me!
Jan 29, 2010
The idea of Ownership
A ritual that is performed every night as she gets ready to relax.
Well, on this particular night, as we were wrapping up her prayer....
Me,"In the name..."
Katie,"In the name...."
Me, "of Jesus Christ...."
Katie, "That MY Jesus?"
Me, "Yes, of Jesus Christ...."
Katie, "OHHHHH, I Love MY Jesus, HE help me..."
Me, "Yes, Kate, say....of Jesus Christ, Amen....!"
Katie, "Ok, Momma, Jesus Christ, Amen"
What a sweet spirit was felt, I tried not to cry....but I drink these moments in!
The warmth and power of Christ's Love can not be denied when a child testifies of Him!
I Testify of Him as well!
He lives, and he Loves us ALL.
He knows all of us, even by name. He knows are sorrows!
He wants to fill our hearts with His love and peace....
Seek and ye shall find, Knock and it shall be opened unto you!
Thank you, Katie-Bug!
Quote of the day!
Mom~ "Maggie, I think you definitely got your 'play 60' in today!
Maggie~ "No, more than that, Mom. I probably got a whole hour!"
Jan 27, 2010
Jan 23, 2010
My Top 10 Musicals
Favorite song.... "Good Morning, Baltimore"

- WICKED!!!!
Feel free to leave your favorite musical in my comments!
Jan 19, 2010
DON"T Follow MY Example
Jan 14, 2010
- I can't eat a bowl of Rice Krispies without adding at least 1 tablespoon of sugar?
- My cat always gets into fights in the middle of the night, right outside MY bedroom window?
- No matter how clean the rest of my house is, MY room is always a disaster?
- I have such a terrible time falling asleep only on night when I HAVE to be up early the next day?
- Deaths and disasters happen in clumps- usually threes?
- My baby always seems to wake up right as I am falling asleep?
- On mornings when the kids are able to sleep in - they don't, but on mornings when they have to get up, I can't get them out of bed?
- Foods that taste the BEST are usually the WORST for you?
- A 45 minute nap can make a 2 year old happy but a 29 year old even more grumpy?
- I can NEVER say what I want to say, when I want to say it?
Jan 12, 2010
Temple Attendance and Acne
Jan 11, 2010

Jan 8, 2010
How to Clean a Fridge!
- Take Britta Pitcher out of Fridge
- Re-Fill Britta Pitcher
- Place Britta Pitcher carelessly back into Fridge
- Watch Britta Pitcher spill ALL over EVERYWHERE!!!!
- Pitch a little, or a big, hissy fit (depends largely on what level of DRAMATIC one is)
- Proceed to wipe up the spilled water with several towels (Wailing and Gnashing of teeth are allowed)
- Before SLAMMING the door, STOP, LOOK!!!!
Voila!!! A sparking clean refrigerator, unplanned, but TOTALLY necessary!
I love it when life throws the much needed curve balls!